

The team of (Assessing the Impacts of Irrigation Improvements and Innovations project (A4I)), one of the JCAR Research Activities, with the "Soil, Water and Environment Research Institute" (SWERI), "Wageningen University and Research" (WUR), and the "National Water Research Center" (NWRC) embarked on the installation of a drip irrigation system in one of the pilots in Kafr El-Sheikh. Additionally, they commenced land preparation activities to assess the performance of salt-tolerant crop varieties in the other pilot area.



The team of (Assessing the Impacts of Irrigation Improvements and Innovations project (A4I)), one of the JCAR Research Activities, with the "Soil, Water and Environment Research Institute" (SWERI), "Wageningen University and Research" (WUR), and the "National Water Research Center" (NWRC) embarked on the installation of a drip irrigation system in one of the pilots in Kafr El-Sheikh. Additionally, they commenced land preparation activities to assess the performance of salt-tolerant crop varieties in the other pilot area.